The role of the Policy, Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Section is to provide technical advice to the Ministry responsible for Employment  with the view to guide decision-making, ensure compliance to international obligations and result-based performance of programmes. 

The objectives of the Policy, Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Section are to:

  • Ensure that employment policies are in line with national development
  • Analyze the labour market in order to make informed decisions and to guide policy intervention in regards to labour market trends
  • Ensure collection of accurate and quality statistics to conduct analysis of the changes in the labour market
  • Promote decent work for workers and vulnerable groups such as youths, women and the disabled
  • Ensure implement of the employment monitoring and evaluation system


The functions of the Policy Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Section include:

  • Undertaking socio-economic research, prepare and evaluate policy reports
  • Evaluating reports and statistics for policy formulation
  • Coordinating and implementing the Ministry’s international obligations with organizations of which the Government of Seychelles is a member
  • Maintaining and managing the Ministry’s Labour Market Information System (LMIS)
  • Monitoring and evaluating  the Ministry’s programmes to formulate evidence-based recommendations