Employment Services
Registration of job seekers
- Registration is done by entering all the personal details of the job seekers in the job seekers database (i.e names, surnames, NIN, address, age, gender, choice of work, experience, qualifications, skills etc).
- A weekly vacancy list consisting of available vacancies extracted from the Seychelles Nation is provided to the client for consultation to assist them in identifying any vacancy which match their qualifications, skills, interest etc.
- If the job seeker has an up to date CV same is scanned and saved in the scan folder in the Employment Services Shared folder to be used when doing referral.
- If the job seeker does not have a CV the officer shall prepare one for him/her and same is scanned and saved in the respective folder and a hard copy of the CV is given to the job seeker
- Thereafter based on the weekly vacancy list and other contacts that we may get from employers and files forwarded from the Labour Migration Section when processing application for GOP the job seekers CV is referred to employer for consideration.
- Weekly follow ups are done by the officer to get feedback in respect of referral done for the job seeker from the employer as well from the job seeker personally so that the database can be up dated accordingly.
- Once the job seeker has secured employment the information is updated in the job seekers database.
- Job seekers registered with the Employment Services continue to be referred for employment and weekly follow ups are done by the officer to get feedback in respect of referral done for the job seeker from the employer as well from the job seeker personally so that the database can be up dated accordingly.
Note: Job seekers are advised to bring along the following necessary documents when coming for registration:
- ID card
- CV
- References
- Police Character Certificate