“Anticipate, prepare and respond to crisis - Invest Now in Resilient Occupational Safety and Health Systems”

“Anticipate, prepare and respond to crisis - Invest Now in Resilient Occupational Safety and Health Systems”

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 April 2021
Empowering the youths

Empowering the youths

Facilitating referrals and placements for job seekers

Facilitating referrals and placements for job seekers

Attracting, Retaining and Developing Skills

Attracting, Retaining and Developing Skills

Protecting the Rights of all Workers

Protecting the Rights of all Workers

Governance of Labour Migration

Governance of Labour Migration

Conducting Effective Social Dialogue

Conducting Effective Social Dialogue

Minister Francourt Welcome Message

I wish you a warm welcome to the Employment Department website of the Ministry of Employment, and Social Affairs.                                                              

The aim of the website is to keep members of the public well informed of the different aspect related to the Employment Department by providing effective and timely information.   

My Ministry is committed to work closely with our partners and the general public to fulfil our Vision, Mission and Mandate. 

We encourage you to browse through and I am certain you will find the website informative. Feel free to give us your feedback,  as it will enable our Ministry to serve you better 

Happy Browsing.



To achieve full employment, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue in a stable working environment.


To promote productive employment for all in a safe and healthy work environment and to enforce rights at work in collaboration with our social partners.


To play a vital role through employment related activities to build a productive workforce and to lend support to all efforts to enable the people of Seychelles to become self sufficient, enjoy decent work that leads to rewarding and enhanced quality of life.

Please enter the email address associated with your User account. Your username will be emailed to the email address on file.

Employment Statistics September 2024

Employment  Statistics 
September 2024 
PEA's Total registered Jobseekers (August)133
Total Registered  My First Job Graduates0
Employment Services Total registered Jobseekers( August)1623
No. of registered youth Jobseekers (15-30) (PEA's) (August)83
No. of registered youth Jobseekers (15-24) (PEA's) (August)77
No. of registered youth Jobseekers (15-30) (Employment Services)914
No. of registered youth Jobseekers (15-24) (Employment Services)681
PEA's Total Job placement (August)63
Total Graduates Placement (My First Job) (September)496
Employment Services Total Job placement( August)917
PEA's Total registered vacancies (August)273
Employment Services Total registered vacancies2036
Certificate of Entitlement Total registered vacancies960
Total occupational accidents(August)46
Total workers made redundant (August)109
Total registered grievance cases275
Sources: MESA, Private Employment Agencies